Wednesday, 20 July 2011


Sisih barang yang tidak diperlukan di tempat kerja dan buangkannya secara sistematik.

Susun barang-barang yang diperlukan dengan teratur supaya ianya mudah diambil untuk digunakan.

Bersihkan tempat kerja dan pastikan tiada kekotoran di lantai, mesin dan peralatan.

Pastikan tempat kerja sentiasa kemas dan bersih mengikut peraturan.

Amalkan sistem 5S secara berterusan hingga menjadi budaya organisasi.






pd hari ini saya menghadiri satu seminar di HTJS. seperti di seminar sebelum2 ini di venue yg sama, saya dapati kejadian yg sama berlaku. ketika itu saya dan teman sedang menunggu makan tengahari dan secara kebetulan kami duduk berdekatan dengan meja hidangan buffet. apabila makanan terhidang, kami menuju ke meja tersebut utk beratur. tiba2 dtg segerombolan manusia terus menolak kami ke tepi tanpa segan silu. kami terkejut dibuatnya. rata2 yg hadir ke seminar hari itu adalah org melayu...islam...sbb nama pon seminar penghayatan ramadhan... cuma terlepas sorang berbangsa lain yg juga merupakan salah seorang "penolak" / "penyiku" terbaik.

kkeadaan suasana sebegini amat memalukan saya kerana tiada kesabaran dan kesantunan di kalangan kita melayu islam secara khusus dan masyarakat secara umum. bukan setakat itu sahaja, yg hadir ke seminar itu merupakan profesional kesihatan (healthcare workers)... nama pon "professional" tp kelakuan tidak menunjukkan begitu. disbbkan susunan makanan dan air agak tidak seragam, maka barisan beratur yg ada terganggu sehinggakan ketika rakan saya sedang beratur utk mengambil makanan, dia disiku sekali lagi.mentang2 kawan saya nih kecil, nasib baik tak terlayang. wanita ini berlalu tanpa ucapan "maaf, tumpang lalu" atau sekurang2nya dah langgar org tu sebutlah "maaf ya"...takkan tuh nak ajar kot... so nih pon kes langgar lari. dah lah muka masam mencuka.

saya malu. bukan hanya sbb kita yg sepatutnya profesional pd gelaran tp tidak profesional dr segi akhlak, bahkan malu kerana masing2 berebut makanan seperti kebuluran. alangkah bagusnya mereka melihat mereka yg dilanda kemiskinan seperti di afrika dan somalia, bosnia, sebenarnya, dalam seminar tuh, mereka telah diperlihatkan tentang jerit perih mereka di sana, namun ia hanya tinggal di situ sahaja. dan paling malu.. mereka ini ISLAM.

inilah dia yg terjadi apabila kita hanya Islam pd nama, sbg hiasan, sbg jawapan sekiranya org bertanya "awak agama apa", islam hanya sbg kata nama khas. namun tanpa kita sedari hakikat ISLAM itu jauh lebih meluas, tidak terbatas pd hukum syarak/ ibadah. ISLAM itu adalah "taat", "tunduk","sejahtera"...kalau kita mengkaji dengan betul2, kata2 tersebut bukan kata nama khas tetapi merupakan kata2 perbuatan (adjectives). ini menunjukkan ISLAM itu adalah perbuatan "tunduk", "taat" dan "mensejahterakan". tunduk dan taat kpd perintah Allah dan Rasul serta mensejahterakan umat Islam dan masyarakat yg lain. segala perbuatan yg kita buat itu menunjukkan keISLAMan kita. islam juga menyentuh tentang keindahan berakhlak mulia dan di sini saya ingin mengetengahkan tentang 5S ini - sopan, santun, sabar, susila, segan.

benda nih pon Islam dah ajar kita. betapa lengkapnya (syumul) islam ini sehinggakan akhlak juga diajar. sedangkan kalau pergi negara omputeh, mereka rata2 berdisiplin, beratur dengan baik dan sabar, saling hormat- menghormati. mereka yg atheist (tidak beragama) juga lebih berdisiplin. malu kalau mereka2 ini melihat senario yg berlaku di seminar tadi. habis makanan diserbu tanpa rasa tolak ansur dan sabar.

nih belum lagi bulan puasa, dah kebulur mengalahkan org lain, bulan ramadhan,..mcm mana lah pula....


ini adalah peringatan utk saya sendiri. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

mode sedih

hari ni saya tak berapa sihat. sebenarnya dr malam ahad lagi saya dah mengalami sakit tekak yg teramat sgt dan semalam, batuk tak berhenti2, mcm pertandingan batuk dengan rakan di bilik sebelah. balik tuh, satu badan sengal2 sehinggakan saya tidak boleh tidur langsung. pada waktu siangnya, selepas kembali dr kerja, saya mengajak suami saya utk ke PPUM utk menziarahi makcik saya yg sudah dibedah utk mengetahui dan melihat dengan mata sendiri keadaan makcik saya. dengar2 saje berita dr org memang  tak best. alhamdulillah makcik saya kelihatan lebih segar berbanding ketika di ICU serdang haritu. namun findings berdasarkan pembedahan itu tidak menyedapkan hati saya, didapati memang sah makcik saya menghidap kanser dan berkemungkinan asal kanser dr usus rektum dan merebak ke ovari (dan bukannya ovari sebagai primer)...akhirnya tanpa perancangan, pakar bedah membuat keputusan membuang bahagian rektum juga. selain itu, didapati usus2 di sekeliling sudah menunjukkan tanda2 awal kanser sudah mula melekap. walaupun pd peringkat awal, berdasarkan CT scan, didapati organ2 lain selain ovari tidak terjejas, namun, indah khabar dr rupa. pembedahan melihatkan segala2nya. saya tidak tahu nak bereaksi mcm mana. kesihatan emosi saya benar2 terganggu.

seperti posting yg sebelum ini, saya menceritakan tentang saya dan kakak rushing ke serdang, ke ppum, semalam pon rushing utk melawat makcik saya yg sakit, mungkin disbbkan itu, badan saya kepenatan di samping tiap2 hari travelling seremban cheras utk ke tmpt kerja. emosi juga terganggu...akhirnya saya kecundang hari ini ditimpa demam.

apa yg boleh saya katakan, sejak arwah mak saya meninggal disbbkan kanser paru2, semakin "menjadi2" pula mendengar khabar berita tentang ahli keluarga terdekat yg mengalami kanser juga. yg sedihnya kesemuanya sudah mencapai tahap terakhir (late stage) apabila pertama kali didiagnosa. hampir 7 thn lalu, ketika kakak saya baru mendirikan rumah tangga, arwah bapa abg ipar saya sakit tenat dan didapati mempunyai barah otak. lama sebelum itu, ketika suami masih peringkat awal dewasa, makcik suami saya (adik mak mertua saya) meninggal dunia disebabkan kanser payu dara. salah seorang dr pakcik suami saya di sebelah pak mertua saya juga meninggal disbbkan kanser.

4 bulan lepas, sekali lagi kami dikejutkan dengan khabar pak mertua saya pula menghidapi kanser pundi kencing yg sudah didiagnosakan sbg kanser tahap 4. simptom2 ayah didapati dr hujung tahun lepas, apabila ayah mengadu kerap kencing. tp apabila ditanya, ayah kata dia puas (no hesistency, just frequancy of urination)...saya ada menyarankan agar ayah membuat pemeriksaan air kencing, dan hasil pemeriksaan, tiada jangkitan air kencing mahupun kencing manis. next, saya terpikir BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy - kalenjer prostat bengkak). setelah beberapa ketika, ayah demam dan pemeriksaan ultrasound menunjukkan prostat membengkak dan query ada ketumbuhan di pundi kencing. maka dr situ, bermulalah drama baru, CT scan, cystoscopy. setakat ini, sudah dua kali ayah masuk wad disbbkan anaemia (darah merah kurang) dan memerlukan tranfusi darah. baru2 ini, pd hari jumaat (pd hari yg sama pembedahan makcik saya), pak mertua saya juga underwent surgery utk membuat stenting (tiub) di dalam salur kencing. namun pembedahan terpaksa dibatalkan kerana cyctoscopy menunjukkan sel2 salur kencing terlalu lemah utk stenting, dan berbahaya sekiranya proceed disbbkan risiko pendarahan.

minggu lps pula, seperti yg saya ceritakan, kami sekeluarga dikejutkan lagi dengan berita sakit makcik saya yg juga didapati secara tidak sengaja. makcik saya mengadu sakit perut, disangkakan periumbilical hernia yg memang sudah sedia ada sejak makcik bersalin bedah kpd sepupu kembar saya. lalu makcik saya membuat keputusan utk membuat ct scan di KPJ dan mendapati terdapat satu ketumbuhan besar di peritoneal cavity.

dua hari lepas, saya tergamam pula bila mendapati MP titiwangsa, Dr Lo' Lo' meghembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir selepas berjuang beberapa tahun dengan penyakitnya, kanser paru2 (seperti arwah mak saya)...seperti nak luruh jantung saya mendapat khabar ini kerana beliau merupakan seorang idola. sebagai seorang pakar sakit puan, juga seorang ahli politik yg terkenal dalam memperjuangkan Islam. beliau merupakan seorang tokoh termayshur.

melihatkan ini, mereka semua ini adalah org2 yg sihat, tiada penyakit lain. mungkin inilah "alasan" yg Allah berikan utk memanggil mereka kembali kpdNYA.

mendengar berita ini dalam jangkamasa terdekat dan serentak ini menyebakan hati saya benar2 tidak sihat.

dengan perasaan pilu dan sedih, kita yg masih ada harus terus berjuang melawan penyakit itu sehingga masih diizinkanNYA, dan sebagai keluarga, haruslah memberi dorongan dan motivasi agar mereka terus bersabar dan berjuang. semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran, ketaatan dan keimanan kpd kita semua dalam menghadapi hari2 yg penuh berliku ini.

mode: sedih

Sunday, 17 July 2011

persediaan berpuasa

tanpa disedari, bulan ramadhan al-mubarak akan menjelma kembali. pd tahun2 sebelumnya, saya ada membuat research tentang fatwa2 perubatan dan puasa dan dipostkan dalam blog lama saya. seperti yg diketahui, blog saya tuh dah ditelan friendster, maka, utk tahun ini, saya perlu menyelidik kembali ilmu2 ini.

sebagai seorang pengamal perubatan, saya rasa ia merupakan satu perkara yg amat penting bagi menghadapi pesakit2 ketika di bulan ibadah itu. sbb ramai pesakit akan tertanya2 dan merujuk kpd kita. sekiranya ilmu tiada, susah juga utk kita menjawabnya dan akhirnya takut2 berlaku kekeliruan dan mengakibatkan ibadah puasa seseorang pesakit itu terbantut.

oleh yg demikian, saya ingin berkongsi ilmu tentang perkara2 yg boleh mengelirukan ini sbg persiapan utk pengamal perubatan yg lain serta pesakit2 yg ada di luar sana. di samping merujuk kpd rawatan2 kpd pesakit2 biasa, ingin saya ketengahkan juga persiapan buat ibu2 hamil dan ibu2 yg menyusu badan.

diharap ia memberi manfaat kpd semua



P/S (20 July 2011) : kalau dilihat tentang perkara2 yg membatalkan puasa, berdasarkan "buku panduan berpuasa bagi pesakit" yg dihasilkan oleh JAKIM dengan informasi website lain, terdapat percanggahan pendapat tentang penggunaan inhaler/ suppositories/ pessaries. bagi mereka yg berpegang kpd pendapat yg mengatakan BATAL sekiranya memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam rongga badan, makan prosedur2 berikut juga termasuk dalam perkara2 yg membatalkan puasa. namun, pendapat lain menerangkan bahawa konsep berpuasa itu adalah utk bertaqwa  kpd Allah dengan menahan lapar, dahaga dan syahwat. jd pendapat ini membenarkan prosedur2 berikut tanpa membatalkan puasa, juga hal ini termasuk korek hidung/ telinga, yg mana sekiranya mengikut pendapat pertama, maka ia batal, mengikut pendapat kedua, ia tidak batal.

bagi saya, tepuk dada tanyalah Iman. sbg pesakit/ pengamal perubatan, terpulanglah yg mana satu yg anda ingin pegangi dan ikuti kerana kedua2nya adalah pendapat org2 yg berilmu dan mempunyai nas/ hujah mereka sendiri. 

namun, pd saya, bulan ramadhan ini adalah satu bulan yg mulia yg mana ianya hanya datang setahun sekali. susah utk direbut. maka sbg org Islam, kita harus memudahkan individu islam yg lain utk meneruskan ibadah puasa mereka agar ibadah itu akan lebih bermakna. saya percaya dan yakin bahawa islam itu adalah agama yg memudahkan. jauh sekali saya ingin masyarakat merasakan Islam sbg satu agama yg menyusahkan. tapi hal ini saya merujuk kpd keperluan merawat pesakit dan bukan secara umum. ada perkara2 dalam Islam perlu ditegakkan tanpa keringanan/ kompromi. dalam konteks ini, terdapat khilaf2 dan kita perlu melihat waqi' kita. 

penggunaan prosedur2 itu dilakukan bukan kerana ia boleh menghilangkan dahaga, lapar mahupun mendorong nafsu syahwat, tp prosedur2 itu adalah sbg rawatan kpd penyakit yg merupakan satu keperluan utk memastikan individu2 islam kekal sihat utk meneruskan ibadah puasa mereka terutamanya sekiranya permasalah/ penyakit mereka ini boleh memudaratkan mereka. adapun begitu, seperti korek telinga/ hidung, walaupun berpegang kpd pendapat kedua, kalau ia tiada keperluan, maka ia boleh ditangguhkan hingga ke mlm hari. saya pasti sekiranya tidak korek telinga/ hidung itu tidak akan membawa kemudharatan kpd pesakit2. 

saya menulis ini bukan mengikut kata hati saya secara tuli namun ini adalah hasil dari seminar yg baru saya hadiri pd hari ini (SEMINAR PENGHAYATAN RAMADHAN: PENGURUSAN IBADAH PUASA PESAKIT - oleh JKNNS dan PPIM)

Saturday, 16 July 2011

rush hour 5

apa kebenda lah rush hour 5 nih. tp yg saya nak ckp bukan psal filem rush hour tp psal kisah saya dalam 2 hari nih yg kerjanya rushing after 5.

dalam minggu ni, saya benar2 serabut sesudah dpt tahu yg ayah mertua saya masuk hospital kali kedua kerana kurang darah merah disebabkan kanser pundi kencing. dalam masa yg sama, saya juga terkejut kerana mendapat khabar berita bahawa makcik saya masuk ICU kerana kurang darah merah dan akhirnya mendapat tahu makcik saya ada kanser ovari.ketumbuhannya sangat besar sehinggakan perut makcik saya teramat terik.

pd hari khamis lps, suami tergesa2 balik terengganu utk menguruskan ayahnya. saya pula pd waktu ptg, selepas pulang dr kerja, saya terus bergegas ke hospital serdang utk menziarahi makcik saya di ICU. saya rasa sedih melihat keadaan makcik saya yg terlantar kerana selama ini, saya melihat makcik saya sebagai org yg ceria dan aktif. tapi pd hari itu, makcik saya terlantar kepenatan. yelah...berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yg memikulnya. saya duduk di situ dan berbual2 dengan sepupu saya. jam menunjukkan pukul 7pm. saya pula berpuasa sunat pd hari itu. tergesa2 saya kembali ke rumah. dalam perjalanan, tgk2 minyak kereta nak habis pula. bergegas ke stesen minyak kemudian rush cari dinner dan last sekali ambil anak2 di taska. penat betul haritu. ingatkan nak tidur awal pd malam tu, tp kerja yg sedia ada perlu dibuat, basuh baju etc. nak sidai baju kena tunggu insyirah tidur dulu, kalau tak dikejarnya ke depan pintu meraung2. nanti tak jadi kerja pula. akhirnya seperti biasa, hanya jam 12 baru saya dpt melelapkan mata dan merehatkan diri. dah lah pd waktu siangnya di tmpt kerja, saya serabut memikirkan psal makcik dan ayah mertua saya, saya serabut pula memikirkan kes2 mengarut yg saya tengok di jabatan pesakit luar.  pesakit masing2 mcm2 perangai dan permintaan dan byk menduga kesabaran saya. habis satu hari yg penuh rushing

keesokan harinya, pergi kerja mcm biasa, kena bertolak awal sedikit dr waktu selalu sbb kena singgah hantar anak ke taska. hari tuh saya buat lunchcall panjang sbb hari jumaat lunchbreak nya lama. tp boleh balik awal, jd saya ingat balik tu boleh terus singgah serdang menziarahi makcik saya. tp pg tuh juga, saya mendapat berita yg makcik saya dipindahkan ke PPUM. saya pening kepala sbb saya sah2 tak tahu jalan nak ke sana. so saya pon terpaksa tukar plan utk ikut dengan kakak saya. jd petang tu, sesudah tamat kerja jam 300pm, saya rush ke kajang utk trace blood results saya yg saya buat screening dulu. pecut bagai nak rak di LEKAS. dr kajang, rempuh ke serdang, byk kereta dan trafficlight pula. kemudian di serdang, nak naik komuter, tp awal tu, berpusing2 cari tmpt nak parking kereta. pastu berlari2 saya seberang jalan ke stesen komuter takut2 terlepas train. rupa2nya train terlambat skit.

malangnya, train yg dtg mengalahkan tin sardin, penuh sarat sehinggakan bila pintu train terbuka, instead of rasa dingin aircond, dia terasa bahang kehangatan. nak menyiku org pon dah tak cukup ruang. saya terpikir, kenapa ramai sgt org sedangkan belum habis waktu kerja lagi...dan lagipun patutnya ramai lagi nak ke arah seremban sbb balik dr kerja...rupa2nya ya......hari jumaat. ramai nak ke KL nak balik kampung lah, nak berparti, nak bershopping...aduh....saya terpaksa melepaskan train pertama sbb terlalu sarat. tunggu extra 20 mnit sblm next train dtg. alhamdulillah tak penuh sangat. setibanya di stesen kuala lumpur, saya tergesa2 ke HQ KTM utk berjmpa dengan kakak saya. kami berdua rushing ke PPUM sbb mendapat berita yg makcik saya akan dibedah jam 6ptg. ..mcm tak sempat. nasib menyebelahi kami sbb dewan bedah tak panggil lagi makcik saya so kami sempat berjmpa dulu. saya pula cepat2 menunaikan solat asar saya di sana walaupun jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 645pm. kami tunggu sehingga dewan bedah panggil. pukul 730pm, kami pon bergerak menemani makcik ke dewan bedah. saya dan kakak berehat di ruang menunggu bersama2 sepupu dan makcik2 kami yg lain. disbbkan sudah lewat, kami pergi solat maghrib, dan berbual sebentar dengan makcik2 kami. hanya pd jam 900pm kami mula bergerak. risaukan anak2 saya yg masih di taska. nasib baik taska ada OT juga. saya dah tepon taska siap2 beritahu akan smpai lambat.

sblm balik, singgah di gerai2 makan di ppum utk beli dinner. KL....malam jumaat memang jem...jam 1015 baru smpai di serdang, saya perlu ambil kereta saya. memandu di waktu malam memang mencabar sbb saya memang tak berapa nampak dengan jelas dek silau lampu kereta. tp alhamdulillah saya selamat mengambil anak2 saya dan hanya tiba di rumah jam 1045pm. anak2 dah tidur di taska. mujahid tidur terus bila smpai di rumah, tp insyirah sudah mula bulat matanya. saya buat keputusan utk makan dahulu tp malang sekali, nasi yg saya beli tuh dah basi rupanya. haish, geram betul, tak patut org kedai tuh jual nasi yg dah basi... nanti lah saya nak masak maggie jelah malam tu. tepuk2 insyirah cuba menidurkan dia kembali, nasib baik tidur balik.

2 hari nih memang saya kepenatan kerana rushing memanjang. tp hari ni dpt rehat sedikit. hantar anak2 pergi taska. nak buat kerja rumah sedikit. (termasuk nak mencoret sesuatu dalam blog)

tp emosi saya byk terganggu minggu ini mengenangkan makcik dan ayah mertua saya sedang sakit disebabkan barah. ia byk mengenangkan saya kepada arwah mak saya yg meninggal disbbkan kanser paru2. melihat makcik saya yg terlantar di katil hospital juga mengimbau kenangan sedih ketika arwah mak sakit juga terlantar tidak bermaya di atas katil. sedih.......

Thursday, 7 July 2011

retrieved notes - irresponsible patients

this is some of the notes that i managed to retrieved back from my old blog

this was written on the Saturday, June 18, 2011 

overall this week such a peaceful week for me….but as i was about to embrace the wonderful week as there were reasonable number of patients (just nice..not too many to cope with.. and the fact that i manage to see lots of interesting cases which is brain-stimulating), on thursday, majority of my colleagues including myself experienced difficult patients.

as usual, came this 40 y.o indian lady into my room. as she sat on the chair, she started off by saying she had a chest pain. she told me that she was just recently admitted for fainting at her workplace in Jusco and was then diagnosed with a heart problem, planning for an operation soon. so she described her pain as a typical of acute myocardial infarction kind of pain with radiation, nausea which is not relieved by sublingual GTN. she said therefore, with the chest pain she had, she cannot go to work today as she is worried that she might faint again at her workplace and “So, doctor, can i have an MC today???” [there's a hint there]

so i asked her again how many GTN did she take, so she said to me that she already tried taking 4 of them but still not relieved. i tried to assess her understanding about her disease “so did the doctor/ pharmacy advise you on how to use the GTN?” she showed to me the bottle, saying “No”. I told her, if you have taken the 3rd GTN and the pain is still there, you should be sending yourself to the casualty, not taking the fourth and come to outpatient”. i showed to her the instruction written at the bottle. she kept quite. whether she made it up saying that she swallowed 4 of them or she did not swallow at all. other that GTN, she was not discharged with other medications even aspirin. so i sent her off to do one ECG which turned out to be normal.

so i asked her again, how’s the pain and she said it is still there. so i decided to send her to emergency for observation. i mean, though there is a bit of thought telling me that she just came for an MC, but i must not be so judgmental about it, i need to be safe as she herself seriously told me that she had a heart problem. no matter what the ECG tells me, she still need at least some time for observation especially regarding the pain. she quickly said to me that she wants to go out to the waiting area to tell her son first before going in an ambulance.

i waited for her for quite sometime but she did not turn up until lunch time. she absconded, i thought. and i would have guess she just came for an MC.

This is something intolerable. i mean, i don’t know whether she truly has a heart problem or not, but if she does, that does not mean she can use her illness to manipulate people for sympathy and a free MC. this is totally unacceptable and irresponsible. most of patients, if they have chest pain, they would be worry off and wanting to be referred to casualty, but that was not her case. she absconded. if she really takes he illness seriously, she would take my treatment seriously too.

but i wasn’t sure whether it was out of my curiosity or because i was worried that she might collapsed somewhere else and that was why she did not turn up… or more of medico-legal issues. if something bad happened to her, her relative can simply point the finger to me as i did not make an effort to call her back asking where she was, i would be top in the morbidity/ mortality thingy. so a bit of mixture there, i decided to “chase” her by calling conversation goes like this

me: hello. mrs so and so, this is doctor D calling from KKS. why did u not turn up after seeing your son?

lady: i went back home. (started to raise her voice)…i dont want to go to emergency. if i go there, the same process will happen, they will prick me, take my blood, do a lot of stuff. why i should go thru  these all over again when i already know what my problem is.

i mean, if she really dont want to go to the casualty, she should have just confronted me, even though it would not change my mind of sending her to emergency, but at least i know her issues and concern.

lady: (in an angry tone)…and some more, when i asked for MC, you REFUSE to give me MC.

me (losing my patience): puan, your are being irresponsible. i told you that i MC will not be given to you because you need to go to emergency first. once they sorted you out, and if they let you go home, only then they will give you an MC. what? u think i am so “jahat” that i dont give my patients’ MC? your problem is not settle until you go to emergency, therefore, MC cannot be given. i am not that “jahat”, if patients are really sick and they deserve to get an MC

lady: you dont understand. i already told you that i have a heart problem which i was admited at damai hosp. ii have this chest pain and that i’m scared if i faint again at work. why didn’t you believe me? you are not concern about my problem.

me: puan, BECAUSE i am CONCERN about you, i take your problem SERIOUSLY, that i am WORRIED about your chest pain and your heart problem, that was why you should go to emergency and not staying at home. because i BELIEVED you when you say that you have a heart problem, that has alerted me. dont you understand? what, you think once you are diagnosed with it, then you dont have to go to the hospital anymore? it means that your problem can just get worse that it is.

lady: but if i go to emergency, who is going to take my son home?

me: why do you have to worry about that? when you should be more worried about your heart. you know that i am CONCERN about you. what if you go home and collapsed somewhere and had a heart attack? what is going to happen to your son then if something bad happened to you? do you want that? think of the consequences. you know, if i am not concern about you, i would not make this effort to call you and asking where you are. i would have just let you “go”

lady: please doctor, you make me want to cry.

me: i’m sorry that i dont mean to be angry at you but you should know this. I AM VERY CONCERN ABOUT YOU. THAT IS WHAT DOCTORS’ ARE. soo sorry again. i’m sorry but i’m concern about you. ok. take a rest, and come back here ok. if anything, i’ll be around until five and i’m in room P”

lady: sorry doctor. thank you. i want to take a nap, then i wil come back in the evening.

my friend heard the argument i had with the patients. she told me i should have not call her. i guess…curiosity kills the cat….so my day was put off just like that. in the evening, i hardly able to concentrate well.

before i left the room for lunch, after the phone call, she got me again thru’ the phone.

“doctor, can i go to seremban 2 since i am staying near there? and they have my record everything?”

“hah, youre staying there? yes, go there if anything”

“yes i am in S2, doktor tak perasaan my address kot”

[since you are already staying in S2 and they have all her records, why did you come here KKS in the first place? more responsible, go to your designated KK goodness....memang sah nak MC....most probably there they have her records of getting lots of MC kot]

so that was just one example of it in which patients manipulating their illness to get benefit for themselves. this also includes patients who made up stories to get socso claims what so ever. my colleague told me some patients also decided not to take their medications on that day to exacerbate their illness like asthma patients etc.

please, i am trying to convey this message to all patients out there to be more responsible. please dont make a fool of yourself and your treating doctors when they are trying to treat you seriously and giving you the best care. stopped making complaints saying that doctors are not concern enough about patients, doctors are less empathy, doctors are not good listener what so ever when you yourself are not responsible to yourself. you must take care of yourself first. must be respossible of your illness.

dont be like the folk story of the shepherd boy who create lies and making fun of the villagers about having a wolf coming to eat his sheep, in the end, when the real thing comes, nobody wants to believe him.

and dont be manipulative as Susan Mayer (now known as Delfino) in Desperate Housewives acted by Teri Hatcher where in one of the episodes, she manipulated people around her with her kidney/ dialysis problem.

and yes, lastly, stopped asking for MC…..some of you patients, the moment you sit in the consultation room, the first word they say to you, doctor, i want an MC…. i have patients coming in saying..” doctor, i have fever already one week, MC doc!!”

this kind of patients usually i would definitely scream back at them. other people would be worried asking us doctors to sort out why they are having prolonged fever, and you…more concern about your MC… really stupid and ridiculous.

patients out there, please be more reasonable.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

retrieved notes - NASTY patients, pls be more responsible!!!!!

this is some of the notes that i managed to retrieved back from my old blog

this was written on the Friday, April 8, 2011 

over the past years that i have been working, i have been studying human behavior particularly patients' behavior towards the medical professionals and towards their illness. it gives me a mixture of feelings, at times, i felt sorry, but another time, i felt devastated or perhaps angry.

i truly feel sorry for those who are from the lower class (whether low in education/ or low in income) as it is difficult for them to seek good medical assistance as the consultation, medications are all expensive and yes, the health budget are so limited that we have to "catu" all these health services. so this is where government hospitals, and outpatient clinics (klinik kesihatan) play the role to assist this group of people more specifically, and the rest of the citizen in general. but most of the time, i see more and more people are actually abusing the facilities that are given to them.

there is a lot of element that we can see that patients abusing the "luxurious" treatment they received but they never thank for it, instead they take advantage over it and and abusing it, wasting our resources.

they pay RM 1 or at some outpatient clinic, they pay RM 5.... and yes, with that payment, they receive all in a package.... the consultation , the medications, the blood investigations, xrays...yet, they still complaint like long waiting hours, doctors' not giving mc's etc. some of them actually "ran" over the doctor, verbally abused the doctor, throw objects to our faces for all this little matter. they complaint doctors not thorough enough... what do they expect of us as we have to see 100 patients in a day, and half of it were all, to me, nonsense cases.... which include "non-sick, don't want to work, simply want MC" patients.

yes, private clinic, they can't make a fool there as they are paying the doctor such a dear payment. they even pay for the mc's. rarely do doctors in the private sector faced this kind of harassment from patients as they have no problem of giving the MC.... because they can put that in the bills. but those who work in the government sector has to face it daily.

patients are abusing the facilities that are given "free" for them. yes, most of the customers/ clients of the government health services are those from a lower to average class group. and yes, i do pity them because they are relatively poor and could not afford those expensive treatment. but that does not give them the license to bully us. and they really do bully us.... they want mc when they are not qualified, they want claims from their workplace, socso, kebajikan, insurance that they force us to lie....they will "bodek" us to exaggerate  their medical report so that they can get more claims. not that i dont want to help them but i dont want to encourage them to lie.  it's totally wrong. i know they are looking for opportunities to "add" in their "income" but it isnt the right way to do. they are basically taking advantage over the situation.

i dont mind helping the poor, and it is our responsibility to help the people in need but helping them to do such "crime" is a "no-no" to me. this is an attitude problem, patients are basically showing us they are not only poor financially, but they are also "poor" in civic, manners, attitude, whatever you want to call it.

talking about poor civic, giving MC can be one of the biggest issue. they will make things up so that they will get MC. and if they dont get one, they scream, jerk at you, like we are some unkind human being. they are actually showing who's the boss. they try to outsmart the doctors. this do not apply to adult only but this include children, teenagers too. they are rude, inconsiderate, impolite. at times, i notice, the parents are "teaching" their children to get MC just for a simple cold and runny nose.parents too showing a bad example, asking for MC just for some simple backache.

just the other day, came one boy to me asking for mc. when asked why, he said tooth ache. he was soo comfortable, laughing away...he said his wisdom tooth budding out and its painfu. then he said that he went to school that morning claming the teacher request for his MC from the doctor. i said to him, "if you go to school today, the teacher wont ask for MC. MC is only for those who did not go to school. so i bet you did not go to school today" [so basically his abusing his teacher and trying to outsmart me] i said to him asking him to go to the dentist, let the dentist see him. he dare to ask me, "do you think the dentist will give the MC to me???"....and that boy is only 13 y.o.

another form of abuse among patients is defaulter. they default appointment, default medications, worst they take the medicine from the pharmacy but did not eat it. they shove in their cupboard. aren't this a waste of money and resources? government spend a lot of money subsidising their health care and yet they did not thank for it. then, at certain situations, patients would come in asking for us to continue their medications, but they themselves do not know what medications they are taking. do they expect the doctors would know all the medications that they are taking??
so tell me...what do patients really want then???

honestly, i dont like all these uncomfortable situations. i could have spend more time with patients who really need my assistance rather than spending hours "entertaining" such "childlike" cases. we see many patients that sometimes, we dont have enough time to spend to the really needy one instead we have to spare our time for the drama, arguing why we cant give them MC.

i guess this has some mental health issue in it. you want mc because you dont want to go to school/ might as well quit your job then if you dont like working. during my child age, i enjoy going to school, even if i was meant to be sick on that day. i still go to school because i want to learn. i mean, at times, i too have that boring sort of feeling, not wanting to work,  bla bla bla, yada yada yada....but yes....this is what you call, RESPONSIBILITY.

of all the above things i have said, the most important essence is actually RESPONSIBILITY. patients MUST take RESPONSIBILITY of their illness, to know what their disease is/ are, what medications they are on, when is the next appointment etc. they must be RESPONSIBLE in taking their medications. old people/ children cannot remember their appointment dates, so it is their care-takers' RESPONSIBILITY to remember it then. dont expect that doctors will "help" you when you are not helping yourself. doctors dont expect patients to diagnose their  diseases but we expect you to co-pilot it. you need to listen to advices. at times, i see, when we are trying hard to explain the disease to patients, patients do not pay attention. when the next doctor asked, they do not know. Please be RESPONSIBLE to know what you have. if you dont understand the jargon, ask  the doctor to explain in a layman term or ask the doctor to write. we dont expect patients to remember all the names of medications, some are really difficult names but you can keep your medicines' boxes, or write the name of medications so that you can show it to your doctor. BE A MORE RESPONSIBLE PATIENTS.

yes... when it comes to work... be a more RESPONSIBLE person. asking too many MC indicating that either you are lazy or you do not like your work. if so, just quit your job, do something that you like. and if that's the only job you can do, try to learn/ appreciate the work that you are doing, atleast you can work and earn money rather then become some paralysed guy who can no longer work. or if you have problem at your work, you are depressed, then offer yourself to see some counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist. what your superior will think of you? this shows that you are not a RESPONSIBLE person.

be RESPONSIBLE of your own attitude.  i hate to see young generations with attitude problem, coming through my door, without anything, asking for MC. making lies saying that your teacher want an MC from the doctor and that they cannot except time slip. please dont lie. if you are lying now, what will you become in your older age?
disclaimer - this is not representing all patients. some are really good patients, compliant, responsible of their own health...very good, polite.....


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

retrieved notes - Public treat government doctors like sh** - 'D day I got really pi**ed off

this is some of the notes that i managed to retrieved back from my old blog

this was written on the Wednesday, October 13, 2010
honestly, i am a very patient person...well, i do have my limits but i rarely yell at people out of the blues.

when i was in Casualty Department, i have seen lots n lots of people/ patients with different styles n attitude. we would see about 200 patients per day, we are tired basically. but despite that, i have never yell at anybody in my entire life  though i have been yelled by patients so many times.

patients would rushed into the consultation room yelling and screaming for waiting too long. what can i do... what can i say... there are too many patients awaiting... everyone just have to wait for their turns. the triage has classified then as non-critical. they have to wait. we dont work like private hospital where they dont have many patients, and that the seeing time is way much shorter. but i have to admit, there are times when there are not many patients, here, in HKJ, the seeing time/ waiting time is just about 5-10 minutes (even faster than the private sometimes), in which it is really fast for a green zone to work. even when i went to a private hospital for my daughter immunisation, i had to wait for 1 hour or so, i did not make a fuss about it. no other patients there make a fuss about the waiting time too. but in the goverment, eventhough the waiting time was only 15-20 minutes only, they still screamed at you for waiting "too long"... sooo many times i had encountered patients screaming at my face for waiting too long and they were unable to be patient with it. ( when i gave a peep through the door, they are mostly comfortable...) they screamed but only pays RM1.... they screamed and will say " i pay your salary ehh!!"

i just dont get it.

at times they came in with non-urgent cases in which they can be seen at the outpatient clinic/ klinik kesihatan, but noooo...they decided to come to the casualty in the middle of the night just for some skin disease that has been there for 5 years, or for cough syrup or even worse, for MC. when asked why do they have to come in the middle of the night when they have an entire 5 years to wait, they would say, they work during the day.....or some would actually say, "tadi saya jalan2, nampak hospital, saya terus singgah" (i was breezing through when i saw the hospital and so decided to give a visit)...what the h***'s true, no kidding....

HKJ casualty is like their kedai kopi. patients would come, checked, investigated, then they would say, "doktor, sementara tunggu keputusan darah, saya nak jalan2 kat metropoint plaza ye/ saya nak balik rumah sekejap ye" (Doctor, while waiting for the blood investigation, i want to go to the metropoint plaza. go home first yah)

worst ever.. yesterday, i was being yelled by a patient for asking too many questions....WTH??? i have read in the newspaper soo many times saying that government doctor are not thorough enough, not treating patients well.. well, i guess, seing 200 patients per day make you "crazy". frankly, it's hard to focus when you have to see lots of patients and there are always the case where you would miss important signs/points. we try very hard not to to miss serious cases though we're just human beings (in which many people think that we are superhuman or should i say.. super robots). but again, i have seen people complaining saying doctors not treating well because they have to rush in seeing all patients. but never in my entire life seeing patients complaining because the doctors are thorough....until the other day...when i am trying to be thorough here but suddenly being jerked & yelled for asking questions in return.

the story begins

a child whom was held by the father (F) came in with the mother (M). M sat and told me that their son ('D patient - pt) has lots of phlegm. so i asked the M, how was the child previuosly, any fever, cough, runny nose. the M told me that their son was born premature @ 28 weeks. so i asked whether the child was intubated? any respiratory disorder? how long was the child warded? suddenly the F yelled at me apa pasal you tanya itu soalan? dia ada kahak sahaja... saya mau ubat!!!

i was startled. i asked politely and this is what i get???

F yelled again. "apa pasal you tanya itu soalan? buang masa sahaja." </span><span>( why do you asked me that question? you are wasting my time)

(i whispered to myself, "engkau pon buang masa aku je"  (you're the one who has wasted my time). i explained to the parents the significant of it. yet the F kept yelling at me.

i started to raised my voice too. the F was really getting my nerves "apa pasal you marah saya? saya doktor ke awak doktor?" (why are you yelling at me? are you the doctor or am i the doctor?)

F: "apa pasal you jerit sama saya?" (why do you yell at me?)

me: "sbb you jerit sama saya. you doktor ke saya doktor? you mau rawatan ke takmau rawatan? kalau you takmau rawatan,you keluar" (because you yelled at me first. am i the doctor, or you are? do you want treatment or not? or else, leave the room)

F: nanti you kena...(i'll get to you) (he dared to threaten me) arrogant and ignorance was the father.

me: sooo disrespectful....bodoh sombong.

i dont care whether he is a somebody, some VVIP, he should have not treated me the way he did. but because of the love and care for the child, the patient, a 5 month old kiddo, i examined him and explained to the M at the same time avoiding eye contact with the F, that i will give some medicine for him. the F left the room and slammed the door. the M looked at me in despair and apologised to me. i was cooled down by the politeness of the M. i replied politely to the M, explaining that i dont mean to yelled at her husband, but i was very disappointed with his disrespecfulness. i explained to the M why i asked all these questions, gave her the medication slip and apologised. she understood, apologised again and walk out.

on the same day, i had another patient, came in for his nebs (AEBA), also partially drunken, requested for MC. i refused to give him mc because clinically he looked very well. he didnt yell at me but said it aloud and drunkenly (is there such a word?) to me....asking my name, he wants to lodge a complaint....YEAH.. GO AHEAD.. BRING IT ON.

by the end of the day came another patient, whom declared himself as a physician. he's an indonesian, phd student. the moment i approached him trying to clerk his side of story, he exclaimed," i'm a doctor. give me painkillers....i'm having renal colic!!"... so i asked him," where is the pain sir? is this your first time?".... he started yelling at me "it's not pain. it's colic. i'm a doctor. it's renal colic. i just want painkillers" giving me the order. i was shocked, being yelled again, i looked at my senior, he bombarded the patient, "you are here as a patient, not a doctor. dont give us order. you just have to follow our protocols"he immediately kept quite and allowing me to clerk him. sigh.

gosh...what a day...

by the end of the day, it makes me think how public has always been complaining about doctors' treatment, not thorough lah, long waiting time lah, and even comlaint for asking too many questions lah (even if it is necessary ones)....what do they expect from a doctor then ? buat ini salah, buat itu salah....they really treat doctors badly, without respect. i dont yearn for patients to prostrate in front of me nor to worship me. i just want them to treat me equally as a human being with feelings n respect. we are not coolies. but yet, we have no place to put in our complaints, ventilate our feelings, no place to voice our opinion, tiredness and attorney to fight our rights, no laws for us to stand behind, no special day to celebrate and being embraced (like teacher's day, nurses day, or may be we stand in the labour's day, i guess).....nobody appreciate our passion for this job, to treat and help people. we are just asking for as simple as respect.... but we're being yelled at. rarely do i get "thanks" nor appreciation from my patients. but once i get me... it gives me strength to pursue further in this noble field.

many people says doctors are just a bunch of human beings who wants good money and good ranking. but the truth is, we dont. we dont get good money, we dont get good ranking. all we got are just complaints, being yelled at etc. but despite all that, we are still here to help the public, not because we're stucked in it, but because we care, we love, we have the passion in our work, the desire to help others in need of our helping hands, knowledge and capability.

anyway, this is just a story of mine. not representing the whole public/ population in general. does not mean to offend any public out there. there are patients who really appreciate our existence. it's just that maybe not many who put it out afront. and yes, i still got few patients that come to me again saying thanks for my effort and care.


Monday, 4 July 2011

hobi saya

wujudnya blog ini (dan sebelum ini) adalah merupakan satu minat/ hobi saya. kalau sesetgh org mempunyai beberapa hobi, saya pula mempunyai banyak hobi. dan salah satunya ialah menulis journal/ diari. saya sudah lama berkecimpung dalam era ini, sejak dr sekolah menengah rendah lagi. pd ketika itu, saya mula menulis dalam buku scrapt yg diberi nama journal. mcm2 saya tulis dalam tuh, dan dulu2 saya tulis dalam bahasa english kerana saya ingin menguatkan lagi penguasaan bahasa kedua itu. inspirasi pula dr cikgu english saya yg memang gemar menggalakkan kami mempunyai personal journal sendiri. antara benda2 yg saya tulis termasuklah aktiviti harian hinggalah angan2 saya dan mimpi2 saya. kemudian kerana kesibukan belajar, saya tidak sempat menulis sangat dan hanya menulis utk aktiviti2 tertentu sahaja.

pd tahun 2006, saya diperkenalkan kpd sistem blogging dan selepas itu saya mula kan kembali aktiviti menulis saya, tp kali ini bukan lagi dalam buku, tapi dalam blog, dunia IT lah kata kan. mcm2 yg saya tulis. yelah, malang sekali, blog saya sudah dimusnahkan beberapa hari yg lalu, maka saya terpaksalah memulakan blog baru ini bagi meneruskan minat saya utk menulis dan berkongsi pengalaman saya. saya juga suka mencuba mcm2 benda dan sbb itu mcm2 widgets/ gadgets yg saya cuba utk blog saya.dengan adanya blog ini juga, saya dpt meluahkan rasa isi hati saya terhadap sesuatu isu/ perkara..kadang kala lebih mudah menulis dr berkata2. kdg2 terlepas beban stress kerana dpt menulis serba sedikit dalam blog.

di samping menulis, saya juga gemar mengumpul setem/ syilling/ duit dr negara asing - masa kecil2 saya memang aktif dengan hobi ni, sehingga sekarang saya masih mengumpul setem tp sekali sekala sahaja.

sejak saya bekerja di tmpt kerja baru ini (KK Seremban) 4 bulan yg lalu, saya merasai kehidupan saya lebih teratur dan stabil berbanding masa housemanship dulu. jadi saya lebih byk mempunyai masa bersama keluarga dan juga utk melakukan aktiviti2 yg saya gemari seperti berkebun, menjahit dan memasak.
dr kecil2 lagi saya juga gemar berkebun dan sentiasa mendapat hasil yg sederhana dr tanaman saya. sama juga dengan menjahit dan membuat kraf. saya byk luangkan masa membelek2 pokok2 saya yg hasil tanaman arwah ibu saya dahulu yg diimport jauh dr ipoh ke KL. sama juga dengan menjahit, saya mewarisi mesin jahit arwah dan dr situ, saya mula aktiviti menjahit saya.

baru2 ini saya membeli electric oven, maka ia juga menambah2kan hobi memasak saya,,ditambah pula dengan minat saya yg saya suka mencuba dan membuat sesuatu sendiri (homemade/ do-it-yourself)

tp yg pastinya byk2 hobi yg saya ada ini, semuanya diwarisi dr arwah mak saya kerana arwah mak saya juga suka berkebun, menjahit/ kraf, menulis journal, memasak serta mengumpul setem.

saya rasa bersyukur kerana walaupun arwah mak saya sudak tiada lagi, namun minatnya masih bersama2 dengan saya. pokok yg ditanam oleh arwah mak saya juga kini berada bersama2 saya, jadi saya ingin menjaganya dengan baik. mesin jahit arwah juga bersama saya dan koleksi2 setem arwah yg terdahulu juga dihadiahkan kepada saya (yg ini sejak dr sekolah menengah lagi)>=.....

Saturday, 2 July 2011

projek pembangunan

skang nih saya dalam projek membangunkan semula blog saya. dan saya buat ini semua utk menyedapkan hati saya yg masih susah dipujuk kerana kemusnahan blog yg lama.

tapi pasti org tanya, mana lak lah saya dpt idea nak namakan blog saya sebegini rupa.

blog lama saya diberikan link nursafiyyah. ini disebabkan saya mmg minat dengan nama tuhm (mcm wardina safiyyah) dan safiyyah itu sendiri merupakan salah satu serikandi islam yg sanggup mempertaruhkan nyawanya utk mempertahan dan memperjuangkan agama Islam. kalau tak silap saya, ketika satu peperangan, ketika org kafir cuba menyerang di suatu kawasan yg mana di situ hanya ramai wanita, safiyyah berjaya memancung kepala salah seorg kafir lalu penentang2 yg lain menjadi takut memikirkan di sebalik kawasan tersebut, terdapat ramai askar2 islam yg hebat, sedangkan yg sebenarnya hanyalah seorang wanita. kisah kekuatan beliaulah yg menjadi idaman saya.

kemudian. akhirnya bila terpaksa berpindah blog, maka saya namakan blog ini Happiness is Homemade. sbb pd saya segala2nya bermula dr rumah. bak omputeh kata "charity begins at home", "home is where the heart is" dan sebagaimana org Islam juga percaya pendidikan anak2 dan keseluruhan sifat kita adalah didikan dr rumah. sbb di rumahlah adanya tangan seorang wanita yg dipanggil ibu yg menggoyangkan buai dan tangan yg sama ini juga yg bakal menggoyangkan dunia dengan anak2 soleh dan solehah. dan bagi saya yg sentiasa sibuk dengan pekerjaan saya, rumahlah segala2nya yg membawa kegembiraan kepada saya di kala saya bersedih, tension, berduka disbbkan apa2 yg terjadi di tmpt kerja, di luar sana. so HAPPINESS ISSSS HOMEMADE. kenapa lak add saya tetiba ada dalisha-is-happiness-is-homemade? sbbnya "dalisha is happiness" dan "happiness is homemade"...sebagaimana yg anda tahu, nama "Dalisha a.k.a Delisha ni bermaksud kegembiraan atau dalam omputehnya "happiness"

so itulah dia alkisah hikayat pertumbuhan blog baru saya ni

silalah mengikuti perkembangannya lagi....

(hah masih kesal kerana segala usaha penulisan saya selama 5 tahun musnah...)

Friday, 1 July 2011

mulanya di sini

ibarat satu lagu lama...mulanya di sini, bagai berulang lagi, kisah yg indah, antara kita berdua....(tp jgn tanya apa tajuk lagu dan siapa nyanyi sbb saya tak ingat)

sebagaimana tajuk posting ini, ini merupakan permulaan untuk blog yg baru buat saya. ini kerana blog lama saya sudah ditelan oleh friendster. katanya dah bagitau beberapa bulan sebelum re-format, namun saya tidak mendapat apa2 berita. oleh yg demikian, habislah segala entry saya selama ini...sedih...tapi nak buat mcm mana, bak kata2 motivasi dr stress mgt course.."letting go & acceptance". jd saya perlu menerima hakikat bahawa blog saya yg telah diperincikan sejak tahun 2006 lagi sudah punah pada 27 Jun baru2 ini (hmm..sedangkan baru saje saya post entry pada 25 jun lepas)...sedih ...masih sedih kerana apa yg sudah saya usahakan selama 5 tahun habis begitu sahaja. segala cerita saya susah nak re-call kembali.

     yg hidup pasti kan mati..maka yg ada pasti kan musnah/ rosak
      yg patah tumbuh hilang berganti...

maka dengan kata pepatah itu dan demi menyedapkan hati saya yg gundah gulana ini kerana kehilangan blog tersayang, saya pun mewujudkan blog baru agar mudah saya meluahkan rasa isi hati saya.

huhu...tapi saya masih sedih kerana byk kenangan suka duka saya ceritakan dalam blog..kisah bagaimana arwah mak saya meninggalkan saya, kisah kegembiraan anak2 saya menyambut raya, kisah housemanship saya sehinggalah saya tamat dan menjadi MO di kecemasan dan kini di KK, kisah bagaimana saya mula2 menguatkan hati utk terus memandu kereta, kisah penyusuan susu ibu saya, kisah2 nasihat dan tazkirah....semuanya musnah dalam beberapa saat sahaja.

jd saya berharap, dengan adanya blog baru ini, saya akan cuba me"re-call" kembali apa2 kisah yg penting dalam hidup saya di samping meneruskan mengupdate kisah2 terbaru.

moga Allah kurniakan kesabaran kpd saya.